06 Feb. 2019

Performance Analysis of Hybrid Power Generation and Management System – PHASE 1 REPORT

This Report summarizes the experience gained by NATO ENSEC COE over 2016-2018 wh

01 Jan. 2019

Energy Highlights No.12

Changing security aspects for future energy systems: Renewable energy and possib

19 Apr. 2018

Recommendations on the importance of critical energy infrastructure (CEI) stakeholder engagement, coordination and understanding of responsibilities in order to improve security – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

The main objective of this study, which was requested from the Lithuanian Minist

18 Dec. 2017

Energy Highlights No.11

Energy Security: Eight Relevant LessonsMICHAEL RÜHLERelevant political and tech

25 Jul. 2017

Energy Security Forum No.10: IESMA 2016 Special Edition

In November, 2016 NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (NATO ENSEC COE) had

30 May. 2017

Energy in Irregular Warfare

Part II of “Hybrid Warfare against Critical Energy Infrastructures Study”Hei

21 Mar. 2017

“Energy Efficiency: Cultural Change” – Final Report of the Second Part of the Study

Authors: Jūratė Černevičiūtė, Orsetta Chichinato, Leonardo Piccinetti, Maa

10 Feb. 2017

Hybrid Threats: Overcoming Ambiguity, Building Resilience

On 10th-11th September 2015, NATO Energy Centre of Excellence (ENSEC COE) organi

14 Apr. 2016

Energy in Conventional Warfare

Since the rise of coal in the industrial revolution, and later through petroleum

10 Apr. 2016

Energy Highlights No.10

Estonia’s Developing Level Playing Field for Critical Energy Infrastructure Pr

02 Dec. 2015

Energy Security Forum: IESMA 2014 Special Edition

In November 2014, the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence and the State Mi

15 Oct. 2015

Energy Highlights No.9

Energy Resource Management of the Italian ArmyCIRO APREA AND VINCENZO CARI’Ove

25 Mar. 2015

Energy Highlights No.8

2014: A Watershed Year for Energy SecurityMICHAEL RÜHLERussia’s illegal annex

25 Nov. 2014

Energy Highlights No.7


25 Sep. 2014

Energy Security Forum No.9

The ninth volume of “Energy Security Forum” also serves as an introduction f

27 Jun. 2014

Energy Highlights No.6

Energy Security Discipline Development in NATO: First Steps for Moving Forward

21 Mar. 2014

Energy Highlights No.5

NATO and Energy Security: Current Achievements and Future Challenges SORIN DU

13 Feb. 2014

Energy Security Forum No.8

The topic which we have chosen for the eighth volume of the “Energy Security F

13 Feb. 2014

Energy Highlights No.4

National Research Council of Canada (NRC) backs up historic civil 100 percent bi

14 Aug. 2013

Energy Highlights No.3

Smart Energy at “Capable Logistician 2013” Dr. Susanne Michaelis In mi

22 Jul. 2013

Energy Security Forum No.7

The seventh edition of “Energy Security Forum” observes what challenges can

09 Jul. 2013

Energy Highlights No.2

Energy Self-Sufficient Military Installations: Rewards and Obstacles John R.

09 May. 2013

Energy Highlights No.1

New Scenarios for the Arctic: Hot Developments in the High North Florinda GIA

10 Dec. 2012

Energy Security Forum No.6

In the sixth edition of “Energy Security Forum” we decided to look into poli

19 Jul. 2012

Energy Security Forum No.5

In the fifth edition of “Energy Security Forum,” we asked several distinguis

21 Mar. 2012

Energy Security Forum No.4

It was at the Munich Security Conference 2011 that NATO Secretary General, Ander

08 Nov. 2011

Energy Security Forum No.3

The Energy Security Forum uses opportunity to contribute to the IESMA 2011 debat

05 Oct. 2011

Energy Security Forum No.2

In keeping with the promise to pay more attention to the EU and NATO energy secu

14 Jun. 2011

Energy Security Forum No.1

The first volume of the Energy Security Forum addresses a highly controversial i