31 Dec. 2024 Online

ADL Energy security course

The first Energy Security Awareness course in advanced distribution learning form was developed by the ENSEC COE experts and is available online in NATO JADL sy

Past Courses

13 - 17 May. 2024 Vilnius, Lithuania

Energy Efficiency in Military Operations Course (EEMOC)

Partnered with academia and industry, EEMOC is designed for NATO and partner countries’ military and civilian personnel to enhance awareness and knowledge on

18 - 22 Mar. 2024 Baltic Defence College, Tartu, Estonia

Operational Level Energy Security Course

The aim of the course is to apply energy security factors relevant to NATO by introducing fundamental concepts and analysing energy security developments in the

12 - 16 Feb. 2024 NATO School Oberammergau, Germany

Energy Security Strategic Awareness Course

The aim of this course is to expose the students to issues, current energy developments and vulnerabilities related to NATO’s energy security agenda and NATO